Blogging and New Media Internships with Gawker Media

Not for the faint of heart, Gawker Media is one of the largest (and snarkiest) blogging networks on the World Wide Web Gawker’s smorgasbord of blogs includes the flagship, the New York media and gossip blog,, Gawker’s LA cousin, the musical, tech-friendly, and many more (including porn site This plethora of topics equals a plethora of opportunities for interns, mostly based in New York City, San Francisco or Los Angeles.

Interning at Gawker Media

A blogging internship isn’t for everyone; many of the rules you’ve spent years learning will go out the window the minute you open up Movable Type. However, an internship with Gawker will teach you some incredibly important lessons about writing for the Internet, Marketing and telecommuting, which is becoming an increasingly popular prospect for web writers.

How to Apply:

Gawker makes calls for interns via blog posts, so those interested should start reading now. This will also be helpful for your application: most blogging internships will ask for at least one sample post, written in the blogs "style." You’ll also need journalism experience, blogging or internet experience and most of all, a strong resolve. You can also search for Gawker internships via or, both of which post other media jobs, including internships.

Tip: Many internships in business and media also offer opportunities for interns outside of writing and finance. If you find a company that you like, do thorough research to determine if there is an internship outside of the traditional program that might suit your needs.


Technology and Computer Internships
