Federal and Local Government Internship Programs

If you’ve ever considered becoming a politician, lawyer, or policy-maker, a government internship job might be the right place for you! Because there are so many exciting forms of government, congress, assembly, city council – all the way up the president – there is no limit to what you can learn as an intern in government. Even outside of the political arena, government offices dealing with the environment, education, medicine, and even the military can offer endless internship possibilities.

One of the truly wonderful things about the federal government is that they offer so many types of internships. While many opportunities will appeal to political science and pre-law students and professionals, there are positions for engineers, researchers, even teachers.

In Focus: Internships with Federal Agencies

While you don’t have to live in or move to Washington D.C to find an internship with the federal government, it is the best place to be if you are serious about pursuing a government career. One of the most coveted internships in federal government is the White House Internship, which puts 100 interns steps away from the most powerful people in the United States.

Another option for government internships is applying at the state level. The state senate and assembly generally accept interns, as do many state oversight offices. To find these kinds of internships, check out your state government website which should have a job search function. Many state government internship jobs will require you to live in or around the state capital.

If you wish to remain local, another option is city government internships. Most major cities have internship programs that place students at various city agencies, so interns of all interests can find something that will help them with their career. This can involve an internship placement with anywhere from the Department of Sanitation to the Mayor’s Office.

In smaller cities and towns, opportunities in local government can be more limited. However, one of the benefits of a government internship in a small town is an increased level of access to the real decisions makers and members of government.

As a member you’ll learn about internships in local government and will be able to search for "internships" or "student programs" with many state and federal agencies. Whether you live in a small town or big city there are opportunities to intern are usually available.

As a user of InternshipFinder you’ll learn about the top programs and gain access to a great job board.


Getting an Internship
